Ticket to Work
Did you know that you can work and still receive your Social Security disability benefits?
Did you know that you can work and still receive your Social Security disability benefits?
The return to gainful employment can be complicated and challenging, especially for individuals receiving Social Security Administration (SSA) disability benefits. Recognizing this challenge, SSA offers support services through the Ticket to Work program to individuals looking to achieve financial self-sufficiency. If you are between the ages of 18 through 64 and are receiving Social Security Administration or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), you likely have a Ticket. SSA disability beneficiary providers under the Ticket to Work program are known as Employment Networks (EN). Employment Network of SW Florida (ENSWFL) operates as an Employment Network under the SSA Ticket to Work program
Career Counseling
ENSWFL Employment Specialists will review your transferable skills and help you consider an appropriate job match based on your skills and abilities.
Work Incentives Planning, Assistance, Protection and Advocacy
The goal of the ENSWFL team is to provide Social Security and SSI beneficiaries with disability-related support as they work towards gainful employment. Our Community Partner Work Incentives Counselors (CPWICs) also assist beneficiaries in connecting to vocational and financial support. We provide ongoing advisement regarding their Social Security Disability Benefits and work incentives. We analyze each individual’s current benefit status, assist them in connecting to needed support, and follow their long-term progress toward economic self-sufficiency. For those who find they cannot earn above the SSA standard for gainful employment, we can guide them to other services to help improve their opportunities.
Job Search and Placement
ENSWFL Employment Specialists will support your work efforts to discover job leads, prepare you for interviews, and provide action steps to help you enter the workforce.
Long-term Employment Supports
Support does not stop after job placement. You can stay connected to ENSWFL through the Ticket program for up to 5-7 years to ensure a smooth transition to work, and to continue advisement about SSA disability benefits and work incentives, job accommodations and referrals to financial wellness resources.
Benefits and Work Incentive Advisement
While you are working, it is important for you to have access to certified work incentive and benefits personnel. ENSWFL provides our clients with the most critical component of ongoing employment support through monthly consultations specific to their needs and benefits.
Job Stabilization and Advancement
ENSWFL Employment Specialists will support you when you have a new supervisor or the assignment of new job duties. Change is not always easy, but we are here to make sure you are properly advocated for in the event a change does occur to increase your chances of retaining employment and advancement.
Get in touch with us today, and we will assist you through the process of assigning your Ticket to Work to ADEN and receive the needed support to achieve your employment goals!
3050 Horseshoe Dr. Suite 158 Naples, FL 34104
Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Phone: (239) 452-4020 Email:
We are open by appointment only.