Julio G.
“ENSWFL not only provides employment services and advice, but they focus on your “hidden gems” and teach you to believe in yourself, create big goals, and become a successful individual; “You can do it” “You are prepared” “You are intelligent”. When you hear things like this, you end up believing it. They masterfully create a new mindset by empowering you. This is amazing to me! Through Idela Hernandez’s counseling, I discovered skills and abilities that I never thought I had. Today, I can proudly say that I am a successful federal employee. I will continue to grow professionally. The sky is the limit. Thank you Idela for guiding me to see my potential and value. Blessings!”
– Julio G
Andy S.
“My job coach at ENSWFL is the best! Since I have their support I worry less about issues at work and I learn how to communicate better with my peers and managers.”
– Andy S
Walter L.
“ENSWFL is the most helpful company for my son Walter. They helped us plan for employment, gave us strategies to help with the interviews, and got him the job!! The best part is they are always on top of everything and super organized. The entire team has great knowledge of government services, planning for the Social Security Work Incentives as well as job coaching. I would highly recommend her.”
– Debby K
Felipe D.
“I would like to express my gratitude for the outstanding work and professionalism displayed by Employment Network of SW Florida. The services provided by this organization and their staff have been remarkable in my son’s life. He is now working at Home Goods. He enjoys assembling lamps at Home Goods.
Since working with ENSWFL Felipe has noticeably improved in his work ethic and has shown that people with disabilities can do exceptional work if they are patient, disciplined, and want to improve.”
– Sonia D
Sasha C.
“Thank you for helping me be successful. You are fantastic. Let’s keep it going!”
– Sasha C.
Ready to get started?
Get in touch with us today, and we will assist you through the process of assigning your Ticket to Work to ADEN and receive the needed support to achieve your employment goals!
Employment Network of SW Florida (ENSWFL)
Contact Us!
3050 Horseshoe Dr. Suite 158 Naples, FL 34104
Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Phone: (239) 452-4020 Email:
We are open by appointment only.
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